Asia's tech giant Singtel acquires Chicago firm Trustwave for $810m

April 8, 2015: As techcrunch reports, the south asia's tech giant Singtel with over 500 million customer base acquires Chicago based cyber security firm Trustwave in a deal worth $810 million. As per the deal, Singtel will have 98% equity interest in the acquired company.
Based in Chicago, Trustwave offers services in threat, vulnerability and compliance management and has more than three million business subscribers. The company has presence in 26 countries including Europe, Asia-Pacific Region and North America. It operates five security operation centres and nine engineering centres. The chairman of the company will retain remaining two percent stake of the company.

Chua Sock Koong, Singtel Group CEO explains the reason behind the acquisition: "Our extensive customer reach and strong suite of ICT services, together with Trustwave's deep cybersecurity capabilities, will create a powerful combination and allow Singtel to capture global opportunities in the cybersecurity space."

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