Google to launch more balloons for 'Internet for All' Project

April 18, 2015: In 2008, Google launched it's ambitious project 'Loon' to empower the underpriveleged rural and remote areas by providing an internet access. The project uses high altitude balloons placed in the stratosphere at an altitude of 32km to create an aerial wireless network with up to 3G like speed.
The project team headed by Mike Cassidy posted a new video today showcasing behind the scenes and how they will manage a balloon fleet, the balloon creation process, their partnership with local LTE network providers abroad and other key aspects of the project.

At start, the team was able to launch only few balloons but by improving the facilities over the years they've succeeded in producing and launching thousands of balloons to improve internet access from the sky.

"At first it would take us 3 or 4 days to tape together a balloon," says Google Engineer in the video. He further adds, "Today, through our own manufacturing facility, the automated systems can get a balloon produced in just a few hours. We're getting close to the point where we can roll out thousands of balloons."

Through Project Loon, Google aims to provide internet access to 5 billion population without internet.

To know more, watch their video here:

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