Google to include 'Buy button' in search results in a bid to take on Amazon, eBay

May 16, 2015: In a bid to take on growing dominance of ecommerce giants like Amazon, eBay and everyone else, Google all set to launch 'Buy' buttons in their search results.
As per the unconfirmed reports, the option to buy will appear in search results when user Google the products on their smartphones. The buttons will be paired with sponsored search results.

As The Wall Street Journal reports:

"If shopper click on the buy buttons, they will be taken to another Google product page to complete the purchase, the people explained. On that page, they will be able to pick sizes and colors and shipping options, as well as complete the purchase, one of the people said.

The products will still be provided and sold by retailers, rather than by Google. Retailers including Macy's Inc. are in talks with Google about taking part in the launch, the people added."

We reported last week here, Google has integrated similar option to tackle food industry. The official word from Google on buy buttons is not disclosed yet, we'll report as it comes.

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