May 14, 2015: As per the uncofirmed reports, hackers have used the Starbucks mobile application vulnerabilities to siphon money from credit cards' and paypal accounts linked to the consumers accounts.
The seattle based company acknowledged the problem on Wednesday, but denied any security breach in their app, and blamed the weak passwords by consumers as probable reason for theft.
In a statement, coffee company said: "Like all major retailers, the company has safeguards in place to constantly monitor for fraudulent activity activity and works closely with financial institutions."
The Starbucks app allows the users to pay for their drinks and food through their mobile. Hackers said to found the way to get in to the app anonymously to buy a new gift card and transfer the funds to themselves.
On a cautious note, company's statement adds: "If a customer believes their account has been subjected to fraudulent acitivity, they are encouraged to contact both Starbucks and their financial institution immediately. Customers are not responsible for charges or transfers they did not make. If a customer's card is registered, their account balance is protected."
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