NVIDIA launches a new ray tracing technology

May 23, 2015: An American technology company NVIDIA has announced the launch of its new ray tracing technology, Iray.

In a press release, the company said that the technology tracks the way beams of light interact with objects in the environment. It said to take advantage of Graphic Processing Units to render detailed models in real-time.

The statement further adds that a new generation of glass-sheathed buildings with radical computer-designed curves are reflecting and concentrating light in ways difficult for designers and engineers to predict. The new technology is developed to address this problem.

"With Iray, designers can see how light interacts with their design over long stretches of time - as the sun moves across the sky at different times of the day and year," the release states.

Iray is designed keeping in eye mainly the designers and visual effects artists working with 3D content who require predictable photorealistic imagery. 

Source: ArabianIndustry.com
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