5 LetsThink stories of this week you would love to read

This week, many things happened in Technology and Startups world, Tesla confirmed their next car price, Twitter rolled out their new algorithmic timeline, Facebook's free internet service got rejected by Indian Authorities, but we try to our best to bring the most interesting one to the fore. Here are the list of 5 articles you might love reading.

1.  Feelyvision, a multi-sensory TV you can smell, taste and touch

After making you immersed in virtual reality, will "Feelyvision" be the next tech that dictates the 2016? UK based scientists are developing a technology that will allow viewers to smell, taste and touch the sensation being played out on TV. Click here to read more.

After a bad news Monday for Facebook from Indian Telecom Authority, which rejected their internet.org service due to net neutrality concerns, the California based tech giant has been asked by French data regulator authority to stop tracking users who aren't signed in the account. Click here to read more.

While driverless cars by Tesla and Amazon's Prime Air delivery drones around the corner, Google came up with a combination of both –– driverless and for delivery. Click here to read more.

Over hundred years ago, Albert Einstein has anticipated about gravitational waves, today after centuries of endless research and speculations, scientists finally detected the phenomena that considered to be one of the breakthrough discovery of modern times. Click here to read more.

5. 3 Startups that scaling up in India

India, and China are the hottest destination for startups to leverage the opportunities to make their presence felt, by solving the umpteen problems these developing countries going through. Here are our three hot startups that scaling up in this environment. Click here to read more.

We hope you like our stories. Do let us know your views in comments.

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