March 20, 2016: At recent Pwn2Own contest at CanSecWest 2015 Securty Conference, the contestants come with their hacking skills and walk away with handsome cash.
The young Korean JungHoon Lee was the eye candy of the event, grabbing the top honour by hacking all the latest versions of Mozilla, Firefox, Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. He took away the grant prize money of $250,000, deservingly so.
HP's representative Bryan Gorenc, who co-sponsored the event with Google said in his statement, "He's targeting Google Chrome and using their most hardened version, and was not only compromise Google Chrome, but also compromise the Windows operating system and ended up with a shell in system, so he was able to control the whole machine."
The exploit found by contestants should reveal in private to the concerned software maker, so that, they can fix that vulnerability in their next update. Researchers find this activity worth their money, rather than falling prey in hands of NSA or cyber criminals, browser companies happy paying for such activities.
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