Tim cook while launching the Apple Watch said the battery will go up to 18 hours but he didn't mentioned in detail on how long it will last. He said, it will last all day and later he defined his day is just 18 hours.
The 18 hours life is based on test which has been conducted by Apple in March 2015 according to Watch's product page. During test, users check time 90 times, receives 90 notifications, use apps for 45 minutse and go on a 30-minute workout while listening to the music.
If users are making call, it will last only for 3 hours, and 7 hours during workout. If watch used just as a timepiece, it will last for 48hours, and if it goes in to 'Power Reserve' mode which is a built-in feature to keep charge, it will last for 72 hours.
The estimates of battery life are based on the 38mm watch. The 42mm might last longer. The battery will be charged using the Apple's Magsafe Technology in which magnetic cable which gets clips on to the back of the watch.
The estimated charging time is about 1.5 hours for 80 percent, and 2.5 hours to charge it fully. And Apple Watch battery is replaceable.
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