May 13, 2015: Facebook has some good news for content publishers, any guesses? Well, in a bid to make their platform more interactive the technology giant today introduced a new product through their blog and they called it Instant Articles. As the name suggests, the new product gives publishers an innovative platform to create fast and interactive articles on Facebook.
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The California based company collaborated with nine famous publishers to launch its product. Here are the some of the key features which will enhance the reading experience like never before.
1. Faster
Plenty of articles from third party publishers shared daily on Facebook. An average story takes 8 seconds to load, which the company claims is the slowest single content type to load on their platform. Instant Articles solves this problem, the content through this new medium will load 10 times faster than standard mobile web articles.
2. Interactive Pictures and Videos
Instant Article adds new value to pictures, the unique feature on this platform allows users to Zoom in and explore high-resolution photos by just tilting phone. Pictures can speak louder than words is an old saying, now pictures tells its own story through audio caption.

Videos in articles get auto played as you scroll just like they do on Facebook feed, without taking an extra pain to click the play button. And readers can like and comment on the individual parts of an article.
3. Revenues
One major concern for publishers is revenues afterall all this hardwork is for money, so Facebook framed a win-win strategy. Publishers can use analytics, control their stories, sell-ads in their articles and keep the revenue.
Alternatively, Facebook gives an option to choose for using their Audience Network to monetise unsold inventory.
Chris Cox, Facebook Chief Product Officer said: "Fundamentally, this is a tool that enables publishers to provide a better experience for their readers on Facebook." He further adds, "Instant Articles lets them deliver fast, interactive articles while maintaining control of their content and business models."
This move by Facebook as analysts thinks are to compete with Twitter, which still consider as best medium to track real time information.
At the moment, Instant Article is available only for Facebook app for iPhone.
Source: Facebook News Room
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